Thursday, January 15, 2009

Acai Extract Types and Benefits

Acai berry juice is a dietary supplement that contains pure Acai berry juice derived exclusively from palm trees located in Brazil's Western Amazon rain forest. These berries are processed through a unique maceration process that has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of the Brazilian rain forest. This process uses the entire berry which includes; the Epicarp, Mesocarp and the hard Endocarp. These berries contain some of these beneficial nutrients; essential fatty acids, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and also supports; healthy energy levels, healthy immune system, healthy cholesterol levels, healthy cardiovascular system, free radical scavenging, gastrointestinal health and much more!

There are also other forms of the Acai berry which include:

Acai Berry Extract -

The Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as many of the B vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Acai berries also contain omega-6 and omega-9 EFAs. Acai berries are also an excellent source of a component called anthocyanins. These are flavonoids found in darker fruits that possess antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help defend the body from damage caused by unstable free radical molecules.

Organic Acai Berry Juice -

106,000 ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) units per bottle, or 3500 per serving. ORAC is the measurement for antioxidant capacity of different foods and the USDA recommends that the average person consume at least 3000 ORAC per day. Studies have shown that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! Acai (ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Acai contains a remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging. A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats and dietary fiber which helps promote cardiovascular and digestive health.

Capsules -

Acai is the only super berry on the market that has everything that you need, naturally from only the berry itself. It packs Vitamin B1, B2, B3, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, Fiber, Proteins, good fatty acids such as Omega 6, Omega 9 to helps you fight your cholesterol problems and many, many more; there is just too many to list. Also as an added benefit is give you the highest level of anti-oxidant on the market, with studies showing up to 33 times the anti-oxidant as red wine grapes. With Acai it gives you the energy from your youth and opens up the vitality and increased stamina you had in your 20's. So try the new "Fountain of Youth" from this forbidden Amazon Berry and you too will feel the power of the Amazon.

Any and all of these forms can be healthful to your body and besides the many benefits listed in this article, some other benefits you may be interested in include things such as Enhances visual acuity, minimizes inflammation, improves circulation, prevents arthrosclerosis and even helps you lose weight. This type of product is 100% all natural and shouldn't contain any foreboding chemicals that could otherwise be harmful to your health and to your body. People that are really big on healthy eating and healthy living absolutely swear by this stuff and say it is the best thing they have ever had in their entire lives. Well, with the so called "Fountain Of Youth" being tagged tailed on this product, I sure as heck would hope that it would have an immense impact on people!

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acai extract: acai capsules

acai extract: where to buy acai

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Acai Extract Truth

The Acai Berry - Once a secret of the Amazon, now a

nutritional powerhouse available around the world.

            I surfed the Internet high and low in search

for the best deal on this new super food I have been hearing all sorts of great

things about. It's called the Acai Berry. Celebrity's such as Oprah and Rachel

Ray promoted the Acai Berry on their TV shows. On the Oprah show, The anti-aging

specialist named Dr. Nicholas Perricone called the Acai Berry, "The World #1

Super Food". The Acai berry has became extremely popular all over the world. At

one time it was never able to be shipped out of South America due to spoilage,

but with new freeze drying technology's and refrigerated shipping containers,

the fruit is finding it's way all across the globe. You can find Acai in Juices,

Supplements, Granola, Ice Cream, Smoothies and more! The possibilities are

endless and people are getting very creative with this all natural Nutritional

Powerhouse, the Acai berry.

            If you don't know anything about the Acai

Berry or its major health benefits, I suggest you start doing your research and

get on board with this Super Food.  It's loaded with anti-oxidants, healthy

omega fats, anthocyanins, fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, and

more! According to the USDA website, this berry has the highest anti-oxidant

properties of any food ever reported. Anti Oxidants help promote healthy aging

and if you are one of those seeking the fountain of youth, then Acai might be a

great addition to your diet.

            This berry, which grows on a palm tree in the

Amazon rain forest, has been used for thousands of years by the natives of the

amazon. They call this tree, "The Tree of Life" and believe that the Acai Berry

holds unique power. With all the amazing things being found out about this

berry, including the fact that it killed 86% of leukemia cells in vitro during a

study at the University of Florida, I think that the natives of the Amazon are

correct in their assumption. This Acai Berry does hold "Unique Power" and the

benefits, the results, and the studies are all proving it. It's time to use the

power of mother earth and the wonderful thing's that the earth provides us to

start fixing our bodies rather then using chemicals that are sold to us by huge

corporations. The all natural way, is the way.

            There is a great website that sells Acai

berry products on line. You can order Pure Acai, Organic Acai, Acai Supplements,

Acai Juice and more! You can also read great Acai articles relating to this

wonderful berry and check out some great links that will show you exactly what

you need to know to make an informed purchase. They have excellent customer

service, speedy shipping, and competitive prices. Located in the United States,

they ship worldwide and can provide you with the best possible Acai berry

products on the market. So if you are interested in purchasing Acai, make sure

you visit

            The Rain forest just might have some of

life's secrets up it's sleeves. It's time to get healthier, it's time to get


Lincoln Anderson is author of this article on Acai Berry Health.
Find more information about Buying Acai here.

acai extract: pure acai

acai extract: where to buy acai

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